The way clear braces are designed is to be less noticeable on your teeth compared to metal braces. Ceramic braces tend to blend with the natural color of your teeth, so you won’t have to worry about others noticing them as much. These types of braces are created smaller than ever before and are made of almost invisible polycrystalline ceramic materials. If you are wondering if Pelham, AL clear braces are right for you, then contact Dr. Jeff Backus at Backus Orthodontics as soon as you are ready to get started. Ceramic braces adjust teeth just as effectively as braces made of metal, except these braces are clear, so you can maintain a more minimal look. Many people prefer ceramic options as it blends with your natural smile.
About Ceramic Braces
If you want to straighten your smile in a more subtle way, then clear ceramic brackets may be the choice for you. For those who are aesthetically-minded, pairing ceramic brackets with white, clear, or tooth-colored elastic ties and wires is probably the best option. Ceramic braces are ideal if you want a treatment that is less noticeable, but you don’t want the additional hassle of dealing with aligners and having to make sure you wear them for a certain number of hours each day. Even though most of our patients like ceramic braces and how discrete they are, some may choose to apply colored ligature ties along with the AL clear braces. The colors stand out next to the clear brackets, which creates a unique look. If you are concerned about ceramic braces staining, that is a problem that does not happen much anymore. The brackets themselves do not stain, it is the glue used to adhere the brackets to the teeth that may do this. So it can appear like there was staining overtime. You can avoid the risk of discoloration by not having tea, coffee, tomatoes, red wine, mustard, and other items. But this may not be necessary since we do change your elastics at each adjustment appointment.
Compare To Metal Braces
When thinking about metal braces, you probably envision strength and durability. While ceramic braces are also strong, they are made of a different material and are more likely to crack or chip. Traditional metal braces are able to tolerate more pressure than the ceramic ones. Perhaps you have a strong preference between ceramic braces, metal braces, or clear aligners. But if you are looking for something with long-term durability, metal braces are the top choice. Keep in mind that with ceramic braces, the adjustments have to be smaller, so it may take more time to get your teeth into alignment. All braces and aligners will be effective in most cases, but Dr. Jeff Backus may suggest one over the other depending on the case.
Backus Orthodontics
Clear braces offer a great way for people to align their teeth without sacrificing aesthetics. But at Backus Orthodontics, we understand that ultimately you may have to choose what is most cost-effective versus what is most disguisable. Please let us go over your options with you so you know the range of choices before deciding. For more information about Pelham clear braces, contact our team today!